Our Latest Blogs
Digital Accessibility is a fascinating, complex subject that can seem to be quite scary but actually, the principles of it are quite logical and straightforward.
The biggest challenge we find is getting people started on their digital accessibility journey.
We love sharing our experiences and our thoughts through this blog.
Whether it is looking at accessible web design, an accessibility audit or any other aspect of digital accessibility, we hope that you find them interesting and engaging.

Are you in the top 1% for what you do?
In surveys, the majority of men consider themselves to be above-average intelligence and above-average drivers. Statistically, that is of...

7 seconds is all you get!
Grab their attention in those crucial first few seconds! Current analysis suggests that someone visiting your website for the first...

15 minutes that could transform your business!
I had a Zoom call earlier this week with a chap I had met through networking. He had taken...

What an Accessibility Audit REALLY is!
If you are in Local Government, the Fire Service, the Heritage and Conservation sectors or, in fact any...

What you see is NOT what you get!
Standards are important When it comes to websites, there are 2 sets of coding standards that should be followed: ....

The truth about Templates and your Website!
If you are talking websites, what does a Template actually do? Well, if you didn’t have one, your website...

The problem with choosing a website provider...
... is like buying a car!I know nothing about cars, I can’t even change the oil on...

Just do it properly!
If you cannot write code yourself but you still want to build websites, what do you do? You buy...

Which would you rather spend £2,500 on?
Let us assume you are a Parish or Town Council. You have to spend £2,500 on one of the...

Yesterday's presentation and exciting news!
I really enjoyed giving my 60 min presentation yesterday on Your Website and Google in 2020, thank you so...

Everyone has a Why. This is ours.
Celebrating You Clive Loseby Interviewed by Maria Anderson-Contrerashttps://youtu.be/VAK7qpejFsYGoogle is Blind. If your website does not work well for blind...

What you DON'T see is what you REALLY get!
Anxious times but also an opportunity?The impact from the coronavirus is already being felt by everyone. I can't...

Your Website and Google in 60 minutes!
I am delighted to announce that my Google Tour comes back to Chichester on Tuesday 23rd June. I am...

Travel England Tours - fantastic success in its first year!
Google likes your website to have the right domain Those of you reading this article who have also heard one...
Your website and Google in 2020 Tour!
The tour is underway and will continue over the year! More dates will be added as they become available!If...
SEO - Stupidly Expensive Obfuscation!
Yes I know. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation but I decided the above definition was more appropriate in...

Pollyanna’s Kitchen. Another WooCommerce success!
It all began in the kitchen! Pollyanna’s Kitchen is truly a home-grown business. Pollyanna Hutchinson West, the owner, had...

Run Your Own Website. Now with WooCommerce!
Always seeking innovation We are always looking to innovate as a company. We won the Product Innovation awards in...

Bullied Back to Life. A book that reaches out.
Why write a book? Graham Harris is an inventor and a successful businessman. He was also, like many of us,...

Consult DArcy – another client-built Run Your Own Website goes live!
Background D’Arcy Myers has worked within the charity sector at a senior level for much of his professional life. He...

The link between Google, local customers and responsive web design
Independent businesses are thriving in Chichester! Chichester now has over 150 independent shops and cafes as of 2019. According to...

Alfa Taxis - a Google success for a truly accessible taxi company!
Background Steve Jull owns and runs the Wheelchair Friendly Minibus Company. He specialises in providing a wheelchair friendly minibus service...

Grants of up £2500 towards a new website no longer available (Chichester Area only)
*** UPDATE *** The Grant is now closed for future applications until next year. ******** The Enabling Grant is back! If you are...

A client training session with a difference!
Background I had a fascinating experience last week training one of my clients. Her name is Liz and she is...