Our Latest Blogs
Digital Accessibility is a fascinating, complex subject that can seem to be quite scary but actually, the principles of it are quite logical and straightforward.
The biggest challenge we find is getting people started on their digital accessibility journey.
We love sharing our experiences and our thoughts through this blog.
Whether it is looking at accessible web design, an accessibility audit or any other aspect of digital accessibility, we hope that you find them interesting and engaging.

Clive Loseby on Tour!
Well, it's not exactly the legendary tour with my heavy metal band Wraith that I dreamed off when I...

New case study - Premier Motorhomes
Premier Motor Homes are a completely independent motorhome dealer, based near Chichester, West Sussex. We built a new site...

Two new case studies just published!
We have got two great new Case Stuides on the website. We have always built bespoke sites for our...

Access by Design on the radio!
Clive Loseby, Managing Director of Access by Design, was interviewed on a local radio station recently.In the interview, Clive...

Bespoke or Off the Shelf?
Our main focus has always been designing and building websites. We have never bought a template, we have always...

The tortoise and the hare retold in terms of SEO!
We all know the fable well, how the hare dashed off and then became complacent and went to sleep...

Access by Design shortlisted at the Observer Business Awards 2016!
We were absolutely thrilled to win the Product Innovation Award at last years Observer Business Awards.We entered again this...

Networking really does not have to be difficult!
Networking is one of the oldest and easiest ways of not just growing your business but by improving all...

Twice bitten...
I met a lady recently I will call Jane. This is not her real name but she has kindly...

New fixed rate SEO packages available!
As you may be aware, we have been offering Organic SEO services and Pay Per Click Campaigns, alongside our...

Would you like to Run Your Own Website?
We are delighted to announce that Run Your Own Website is now up and running and open for orders!...

Access by Design would like to wish you a Happy Christmas!
Accessibility is vital to us, so we have slowed the animation below to under 3 frames per second,...

How to choose the best domain for your business
After thinking about a name for your company, the next hardest decision is to choose the right domain. No...

Making Your Website Accessible
The Internet is an invaluable source of information and platform for people to socialise, learn and input their own...

It’s not all about the Keywords
Keywords have long been thought of as the key to moving your site up Google's ranking. However, while content...

Google is blind
A lot of people, including many SEO companies, are bemoaning that fact Google is constantly moving the goalposts in...

Social Media – How does it affect SEO?
Social media is used by millions of people worldwide each and every day. No matter if you run a...

An amazing case study about Google loves our websites!
Windrush Holidays is one of our many resounding success stories. Run by Andy and Margaret Stevens, they provide both...

Why Blog?
Blogging isn’t just for young hipster types who are travelling or raving about the latest game or make-up. Adding...

Case Study – Vetlab Supplies Ltd
As a follow up to my last post on what Google is looking for, here is a case study...

5 things Google is looking for right now...
I have been giving a series of presentations recently, on what Google is looking for in 2015. In case you...

My emails aren’t getting through!
Some companies (and some District Councils) have started to get extremely fussy about where emails come from. At Access...

So, what do I think of Windows 10?
Many people are being upgraded automatically to Windows 10. Here's how it impacted on two of my clients.My first...

Website Accessibility
When you hear the word Accessibility, what comes to your mind? Disabled toilets, ramps into buildings, lifts instead of...