Hot New Web Design Trends in 2015

Every year web design in sussex changes and grows, and one can only assume the best is still yet to come. Older design principles are still being used in responsive web design, but there are new and exciting things on the horizon. Let us discuss just a few of the predicted new trends that are likely to emerge throughout the coming year.
Digital-First Bonding
More so than ever a customer’s first experience with a company is online, and professionals are realising this, therefore are turning to digital agencies to develop a brand that translates best on the Internet as opposed to more traditional branding practices.
Amped Up Privacy
Users have always relied on a website’s privacy and security policies to keep sensitive information safe. With talk of data breaches and privacy issues on the internet so widespread these days people are wary to provide personal details for fear it will be shared with third parties. Developers will be looking to maximise security options to address user’s concerns about these issues.
App-Like Menus
Up until recently most of the emphasis was put on making an aesthetically pleasing site best suited to desktops. Responsive website design has taken this concept in a different direction, and now focuses more on making every user experience look incredible of the device used. One major design element that translates well from mobile devices to a desktop is slide out or fly out menus, where when hovered on, sub-menus appear making information easily accessible on the website.
User Interaction and Storytelling
Web design techniques in 2015 will likely focus on making already excellent content more engaging by displaying it in a fashion that tells a story. Websites are also embracing more interactive aspects of accessibleresponsive website design. An interactive feature being used commonly in website design is scrolling and hovering over elements on the page prompts something new to appear, making the content even more accessible.
Longer Scrolling Sites
Most new site designs being published tend to be longer in length when scrolling through the page. With mobile devices being so widely used, it is common for sites to choose scrolling instead of linking to display content. It is more user friendly to just scroll up and down a page on a mobile device then having to click and follow several links to find the desired information.
Iteration of Older Breakthroughs
With all the huge recent trends in the industry there may be a lull as the next best thing is developed. Instead of something monumental hitting the industry it is thought by some that we will see enhancements and improvements on already existing concepts, making for more interesting and in-depth web layouts and more designing within the browser, elaborating on recently developed concepts and trends.