Our Latest Blogs

Digital Accessibility is a fascinating, complex subject that can seem to be quite scary but actually, the principles of it are quite logical and straightforward.

The biggest challenge we find is getting people started on their digital accessibility journey.

We love sharing our experiences and our thoughts through this blog.

Whether it is looking at accessible web design, an accessibility audit or any other aspect of digital accessibility, we hope that you find them interesting and engaging.


Illustration of an angry judge in a traditional white wig, pointing and holding a gavel. The judge's expression is exaggerated, with bulging eyes and clenched teeth, conveying intense emotion. There is a wooden bench in the foreground.

What is a website accessibility statement and do you need one? (Part 1 of 2)

Posted on 23 June 2022

A powerful ally A website accessibility statement is a powerful document. One that is properly written, following a professional website...

TEDx Logo

How do you change the world?

Posted on 22 June 2022

One website at a time, that is how. A global first My company, Access by Design, created the world’s first fully-accessible,...

A large group of people is gathered to form two interlocking puzzle pieces against a white background. Additional smaller groups and individuals are scattered around the central formation, creating a sense of movement and interaction among the crowd.

What is involved with a website accessibility audit? (Part 5)

Posted on 20 June 2022

Putting it all together Now I have my raw materials. The automated matrices, the manual checks, 3 live audits and...

A young African female boxer

What is involved with a website accessibility audit? (Part 4)

Posted on 14 June 2022

This is where my amazing website accessibility team join in! I do not care what anybody says, you cannot truly...

A close-up image of a worn car tire with visible cracks and a nail embedded in the tread. The tire's surface shows signs of wear and tear, indicating it has been used extensively and requires repair or replacement.

What is involved with a website accessibility audit? (Part 3)

Posted on 9 June 2022

You can plug a car into a diagnostics machine but it will not tell you if you have a...

A colorful illustration shows four children with a large clipboard. One child peers through a magnifying glass, another holds a giant pencil, a third child points at the checklist, and the fourth pops up from behind the clipboard. Green leaves adorn the background.

What is involved with a website accessibility audit? (Part 2 - continued)

Posted on 6 June 2022

It is not just one tick! In my previous article, I explained the common misconception that designers often think that...

The Matrix screenshot from the film

What is involved with a website accessibility audit? (Part 2)

Posted on 19 May 2022

What is an automated matrix? In this article, I wish to clear up the most common misconception when it comes...

A creative illustration shows three people interacting with elements symbolizing ideas and teamwork. One person sits on a large yellow light bulb with a laptop, another works on charts and graphs, and a third manipulates gears. Icons of clock, pie chart, and dollar sign in the background.

What is involved with a website accessibility audit? (Part 1)

Posted on 12 May 2022

    The second most-often question I am asked is what actually does having a website accessibility audit involve? FYI, the...

A person wearing black socks and denim shorts has both legs in medical braces while seated. The braces are grey with metal hinges and straps, and the background features a wooden floor.

I love assistive technology!

Posted on 9 May 2022

Dodgy knees I have dodgy knees. Very dodgy, sadly. I have flat feet and did not start to wear corrective...

Illustration of a person sitting at a desk with a laptop, holding their head in frustration. Three plants and a stack of books are on the desk. A floating thought bubble with ellipsis suggests the person is overwhelmed or deep in thought.

Surely all websites are accessible for disabled people?

Posted on 5 May 2022

A level-playing field One of the most brilliant aspects of the Web is the idea of a level playing field....

A man sitting in a wheelchair at a desk with a laptop, raising his right hand. He appears to be asking a question or participating in an online meeting. An open notebook and eyeglasses are on the desk. The background shows large windows with greenery outside.

Why microwave/oven is right but wrong and microwave / oven is wrong but right!

Posted on 1 May 2022

Do not ask me why but it never seemed to look right, when there is not a space...

A computer keyboard with a glowing ACCESSIBILITY key. The key features an accessibility icon of a person in a wheelchair. The background is a blend of blue, purple, and pink hues, creating a modern and vibrant look.

Test your website with The Tab Key!

Posted on 22 April 2022

How to quickly check if a website is accessible When I use the word "website accessibility", I mean "website accessibility...

Wheelchair sign against green nature background

Aren’t all websites accessible for disabled people?

Posted on 21 April 2022

It is easy to know if a building is likely to be accessible for someone in a wheelchair. For example: ...

A person in a wheelchair, dressed in a blue blazer and jeans, looks to their right at the base of a flight of stairs. They are on a paved outdoor area with a lamppost in the background.

What are the benefits of having an accessible website?

Posted on 14 April 2022

What does website accessibility mean? The benefits of having an accessible website are almost too many to mention! However, firstly,...

Web accessibility wheelchair symbol on a computer keyboard

Why is it important that disabled people audit your website?

Posted on 7 April 2022

This may seem to be a completely obvious question but, sadly, not everyone who carries out a website accessibility...

Banner with statement, a stop sign and a wheelchair sign with a red cross on it

Why accessibility plugins are a bad idea

Posted on 4 April 2022

I am passionate about website accessibility for disabled people. I have the privilege of knowing many other people who...

Vectis Radio Logo

Clive interviewed on Vectis Radio

Posted on

The day before my TEDx Talk, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Ian Mac, the owner of...

Female hands, her wrisits are tied with rope

You can see but you cannot touch. What do you do?

Posted on 30 March 2022

Iona is one of my fab website accessibility testers. She used to photograph some of the world’s biggest rock...

A collage of dropdown menus displaying options labeled First Button, Second Button, and Third Button. Each menu is black with white text and a blue checkmark icon beside the dropdown title.

So what is wrong with dropdown menus?

Posted on 24 March 2022

The benefits of using a dropdown menu Dropdown menus are a convenient way of keeping your website clean and uncluttered....

A person with long hair, wearing a turquoise sweater and a red backpack, is pushing a baby stroller down a residential street. The image is timestamped 06:58 in the bottom right corner. Various parked cars and houses are visible in the background.

Accessibility is not just about wheelchairs!

Posted on 21 March 2022

I saw a feature on the BBC local news this morning about pavement parking. Cars parked on pavements mean...

Illustration of a person sitting at a desk with a laptop, holding their head in frustration. Three plants and a stack of books are on the desk. A floating thought bubble with ellipsis suggests the person is overwhelmed or deep in thought.

Making a travel booking is easy unless you are blind!

Posted on 17 March 2022

A live test Last week I was doing an audit for a travel company. I have my amazing team of...

A single white feather with soft, delicate strands rests gently on a dark, reflective surface. The feather appears lightweight and fragile, with intricate details visible on its wispy barbs and fine structure.

5 Website Design Elements Critical for Brand Building

Posted on 8 March 2022

A well-knit and structured website is of primary importance for any brand or business. The website plays the greatest...


How does a blind person use their credit card?

Posted on 7 March 2022

An intriguing question This is a question that hadn’t occurred to me before. I’m doing an audit this week for...

Clive Loseby on the TEDx Stage delivering his talk on website accessibility

My TEDx Talk on website accessibility for disabled people is now online!

Posted on 3 March 2022

I was extremely privileged to present my TEDx Talk at the TEDx Lukely Brook event yesterday, over in the...