Stock Imagery Blog - Why your website need stock imagery!

Stock imagery is available on many web platforms including Thinkstock, iStock and Shutterstock. Access-byDesign have a yearly business subscription with Thinkstock, which our clients can utilise at any time as we offer them 20 free images when they request a website build. Moreover, we can also provide additional images in batches of ten at a much cheaper rate than if you were to purchase them independently.
What are stock images?
Stock photography is the supply of photographs or images, which are often licensed for specific uses. It is used for creative projects (such as website design) as opposed to hiring a photographer, often for a much lower cost.
What are the advantages of using stock imagery?
There are a number of reasons to feature stock imagery in your website
- Professional quality images –when you choose to use stock imagery you will receive the highest quality photographs. Getty Images has very high standards of which images they license, so quality is absolutely guaranteed. This will ultimately help your website look sleek and professional, which makes you more amenable to potential customers.
- It is cheaper than a photographer – as you get 20 free images of your choice when we build your website, unless you happen to hire a voluntary photographer, the images will not cost you a penny!
- There will be no copyright issues, something which can often be overlooked. Downloading images free on Google can often lead to messy financial or legal consequences if the author is not credited.
Access-byDesign own the image rights – following on from the copyright issue because we download your selected images you will not have to worry about potential copyright issues as we will not distribute them elsewhere. They are free for you to access without limitation.