Visual of a lightbulb with many coloured lines superimposed on it

The Blue Badge Access Awards 2023 have now been launched, with a new website!  

on April 26, 2023 at 11:13am |Updated on April 26, 2023 at 11:13am Blue Badge Access Awards Logo Bespoke Hotels Blue Badge Style

What are the Blue Badge Access Awards?

The Blue Badge Access Awards has been setting the Gold Standard for Access within the hospitality sector. It was set up by our good friend Fiona Jarvis, the founder of Blue Badge Style, in 2016 and aims to reward hotels, restaurants, leisure and tourism venues and people for their efforts in becoming “accessible with style!”

A desire to be hospitable

The hospitality sector often has many challenges with accessibility but the very name “hospitable” implies wanting to welcome everyone, regardless of their ability or disability.

We know they often fall short of delivering but it is often not through want of trying but, rather, through lack of understanding. This is why these Awards are so important. By celebrating excellence in stylish accessibility, it encourages everyone to raise their game, rather than just pointing the finger and saying “Do Better”!

Stylish Accessibility!

Stylish Accessibility is a phrase that resonates with me, after all, it is why we called ourselves Access by Design 16 years ago. We have always wanted to prove that you can be both stylish and accessible.

The BBAA was built by us, using our flagship product, Run Your Own Website. This allows our clients to have a fully accessible website for a much lower cost than a fully bespoke design. Unsurprisingly, it is our most popular product!

We are proud to have played a significant part in helping the BBAA with their new, fully accessible website!

Could we help you?

If you would like to have a chat to see if Run Your Own Website could work for you, when not get in touch using any of these links:

Call +44-1243-7766399 (24 hrs)

Send an email to

If you would like to find out more about website accessibility, please follow these links:

Watch my TED Talk
Find out more about website accessibility audits 
Discuss having an accessibility audit of your website
Have a 1-hour consultation on any aspect of website accessibility 

Clive Loseby
Access by Design

Accessible Websites, Beautifully Designed
Always Delivering an Outstanding Website Accessibility Audit
Award-winning Web Design, Chichester

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