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Changing the world, one website at a time  

on February 28, 2022 at 10:30pm |Updated on June 11, 2024 at 8:59am

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I spent the weekend putting the finishing touches together for my TEDx talk on Wednesday. After 15 years of talking about website accessibility for disabled people to everyone who will listen (and even some who wouldn’t!), I am just so excited to have this wonderful opportunity to put the message out to a much wider audience.

I should be on stage around 3.30pm and the event is being live-streamed. Please follow this link to visit the TEDx LukleyBrook website:  

The theme of the day is “If Not Now, When” and never has that been more appropriate than now for this vital issue. I do hope you will find the time to watch it, either as a Live Stream or on the TedX website afterwards.

If you would like a free initial review of the accessibility of your own website, please follow this link to book yourself in: 

Clive Loseby, Access by Design

Beautiful, Accessible, Web Design, Chichester and Outstanding Website Accessibility Audits.

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