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Yesterday's presentation and exciting news!

I really enjoyed giving my 60 min presentation yesterday on Your Website and Google in 2020, thank you so... read more »

SEO - Stupidly Expensive Obfuscation!

Yes I know. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation but I decided the above definition was more appropriate in... read more »

Set of color Internet security glass sphere buttons with shadows.

Top 20 Google tips #14 - The truth about SSL

Blog rewritten in light of recent changes Sometimes developments on the internet happy extremely fast. The video is made for... read more »

A beautiful whale emerging from the water

20 things about Google - Thing 09 - What is beautiful to Google?

Take a look at this picture of a whale. I do not think it would be controversial to... read more »

20 things about Google - Thing 08 - Google loves You Tube and so should you!

Everyone’s talking about video for their websites! You simply must do it yourself and here’s why!   Google loves video if... read more »

20 things about Google - Thing 07 - Google loves HTML 5!

Have you heard about HTML? It stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is the code that is generated... read more »

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20 things about Google - Thing 06 – A new use for your Alt tag!

In my previous blogs I have written about the importance of starting from where you are geographically. This is... read more »

20 things about Google - Thing 05 -Google Phone Home!

In my last blog I wrote about the importance that Google places on where you are actually based. Its... read more »

web design birdham - Google Search

20 things about Google - Thing 04 Do you like your Local? Google does!

How far would you travel to meet a customer? 5 miles? 10 miles? 100 miles? How about if the... read more »

20 things about Google - Thing 03 - Watch Your Language!

In my last blog, I talked about the need to make sure your website is worked well for people... read more »