Visual of a lightbulb with many coloured lines superimposed on it

Run Your Own Website  

Close-up looking at Run Your Own Website on a smartphone with mountains in the background

A brief history

We won the Chichester Observer Business Awards in 2015 for Product Innovation, for our brilliant bespoke websites. We were the first design agency in the world to create websites that worked equally well across mobiles and tablets and were also fully accessible for disabled people. It was wonderful to be recognised for this, 4 years later.

However, we discovered that winning awards is only part of the story. The rest of the story was that the economic climate was difficult, to say the least. Businesses were desperate to have a fresh new website, but could not afford the cost. Low-cost website-building software has been around for a long time, but it always contained numerous coding errors, which meant that websites built with it failed to achieve significant rankings with Google and other Search Engines.

We decided to take a fresh approach to fill this gap, by taking one of our bespoke websites and developing it into a lower-cost, "off-the-shelf" product. The first version took over a year to develop and was released in 2016. Unsurprisingly, it became very popular as our clients could finally have our bespoke built quality for a fraction of the cost! It was built in WordPress but it had a Dashboard that was much simpler and more straightforward to use. I also made 12 explainer videos to show my clients how to use it.

Version 2 was launched!

As with all new products, the first version contained some limitations and the "wish list"  for new features began to grow. 4 years later, we proudly released Version 2 of Run Your Own Website, and it is somewhat of a leap forward!

We dropped the interface we have originally developed as it was just too limiting. We reverted back to the standard WordPress dashboard instead. This allowed us to create an almost endless number of new functions that allowed a great deal of flexibility with individual pages whilst ensuring, at all times, that our high standards for code quality and accessibility were maintained. I also created no less than 29 new explainer videos which took our clients through every aspect of managing their websites.

eCommerce became available!

The biggest advantage of reverting to the WordPress Dashboard was that we could integrate WooCommerce and offer a fully accessible, cleanly coded eCommerce solution for half the cost of our bespoke eCommerce websites! Whilst there are many WooCommerce templates that can be bought for as little as $59, the number of coding errors present in every one of them simply ensures that they do not even work properly on every device and get very poor Google rankings. As the code used in Run Your Own Website is our own, all our clients were able to benefit equally!

Visit Run Your Own Website


Changing the World, One Website at a Time.