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20 things about Google - Thing 04 Do you like your Local? Google does!

How far would you travel to meet a customer? 5 miles? 10 miles? 100 miles? How about if the... read more »

20 things about Google - Thing 03 - Watch Your Language!

In my last blog, I talked about the need to make sure your website is worked well for people... read more »

20 things about Google - Thing 02 - Google is blind

Says it all really. We invest thousands of pounds in marketing and promoting our businesses, we will have a... read more »

20 things about Google - Thing 01 - Responsive Design

I’m sure the vast majority of people reading this will know what this is but, even if you do,... read more »

Google logo

20 things about your website and Google in 2017!

I am currently doing a round of speaking engagements about your website and Google in 2017, covering Hampshire, East... read more »

Google logo

And here are the upcoming dates for the new Google Tour!

The new tour is underway! 3 down, 11 dates to go!Google 2017 – 20 Things You Need To Know!... read more »

Clive giving his Ted Talk. Behind him, a screen says \TEDx Lukely Brook\

Last Personal Tour Date this coming Wednesday....

So my personal Tour, talking about the ups and downs over the last 30 years comes to an end... read more »

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Google 2017 – 20 Things You Need To Know Tour

New tour kicks off this week! I’m putting together the final touches for my new tour. My last series of... read more »

Globe and exercise book on the white student's desk

Clive Loseby on the radio

Clive Loseby, MD of Access by Design and Access by Design will be interviewed on Express FM at 7pm... read more »

Business Charts with calculator and pen

Grants available to West Sussex businesses right now!

Following my recent blog about this, here are some more links for District Councils in West Sussex and... read more »