Website Accessibility – ignorance is no longer an excuse!

There is just so much misinformation and misunderstanding about website accessibility, where your legal responsibilities lie, what it actually is, the list goes on and on.
Website Accessibility needs to be explained, simply and clearly, to everyone who has a website that is open to members of the public. Simply put, if your website cannot be accessed by a group of people (such as people who use screen readers or who cannot use a mouse) you are open to prosecution under the Equality Act, for discriminating against Disabled People. Not only that, you are missing out on valuable new customers, with a combined spending power of well of £80 Billion annually. If you make your website fully accessible, you will generate customer loyalty so deep that it cannot be measured!
Every publicly-funded organisation has to have an accessibility audit of their website, if they have not yet had one. They also then have to ensure that they have an updated accessibility statement on their website. You can be certain that, at some point soon, private companies will also fall under this requirement
I am hosting a workshop on this very subject this coming Tuesday, 4th May 2021, at 10am. Numbers are strictly limited and entry, although free, is by registration only.
If you are a business owner, you or your web developer should be there. Please do not book unless you are going to attend, otherwise you will be preventing others from attending.
In this workshop, I will cover the basics of accessibility, what your legal requirements are and the kind of questions you would be asking the developers who look after your own website,
There will be an opportunity, time permitted, to ask questions about what is perceived as a complex and difficult subject when actually so much of it is plain common sense!
Future workshops may be chargeable.
This is a fundamental human rights issue and you should take it seriously.
Come and join me on Tuesday. Please book yourself on by following this link.
If you would like to discuss having a website accessibility audit, for your existing website, please get in touch by booking yourself in on the link below.