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Clive Loseby had a chat with Sarah Williams from Action Coach  

on September 18, 2022 at 4:23pm |Updated on February 2, 2024 at 11:18pm Clive is 54 years old and has hazel eyes. What little hair he has left is mostly brown, whereas his stubble has far more grey in it. He is wearing a dark blue hoodie and is smiling. His hoodie has Saints emblazoned on it, which is the nickname of his favourite football team, Southampton, who finally seem to be on a decent winning streak in the Championship, after a rather shaky start.

It is always really nice to be asked to give an interview and I recently had a lovely chat with Sarah Williams from Action Coach, over Zoom.

I felt sorry for the poor chap who had to edit it afterwards because it was scheduled for 15 minutes or so and ended up going on slightly longer!

Anyway, I explain why I am so passionate about what we do and why I would not swap it for the world.

However, it is not just about accessibility, being Action Coach, it is also very much business-focused. Having made every conceivable mistake myself over the last 16 years, there are a few tips in there that might be useful to anyone who is thinking of taking the plunge and starting their own business.

The subtitles are auto-generated and not within my control but it is not too bad. The other thing of note is that, since this was recorded,  I have had another fab addition to my accessibility audit team, Krista Giannak!

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