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A different accessibility statement  

on January 25, 2023 at 4:23pm |Updated on February 9, 2023 at 10:22am A table with 2 benches fixed to it, gaps are on the other sides for wheelchairs. A sign on the floor reads: Polite Notice Please prioritise these tables for disabled users

I love this accessibility statement!

I was out walking along this seafront this morning and came across this.

It is a set of 8 outdoor tables and seating, in front of a café.

This sign is in front of each of the 4 tables in the front row. It reads:

“Polite Notice
Please prioritise these tables for disabled users”

How many times do you see tables like this but fixed benches all around them, leaving no space for a wheelchair (or pushchair, walking frame etc..)?

What I love about this is that every table is like this, so there is wheelchair space with each one.

The notice is just reminding customers who aren’t disabled that it is a lot easier for them to sit further away than it might be for someone who is disabled.

An accessibility statement is not there to tick a box. It is to show that you care. This is why I love this, it speaks volumes about the ethos of the café owner.

Follow this link to watch my TED Talk:

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Clive Loseby

Access by Design


Accessible Websites, Beautifully Designed

Outstanding Website Accessibility Audits

Award-winning web design, Chichester




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