Networking really does not have to be difficult!

Networking is one of the oldest and easiest ways of not just growing your business but by improving all aspects of your life! Whether you work for yourself or a part of a large company, it always comes down to people doing business with other people. It’s not difficult to work out that we generally prefer to do business with people we like, know and trust. Not only that, we will tell other people about them as well.
I’ve been networking all my professional life and have belonged to many groups, some extremely regimented, some much more laid back. The biggest drawback with nearly all of them is that they tend to be parochial in their outlook. Some of them have lock outs (1 member from each business type only) and with some of them attendance is compulsory each week.
The group I belong to and enjoy being part of the most is 4Networking. I have been part of it for over 3 years and it does not have any of the problems listed above! There are over 500 meetings across the UK to go to, all are extremely relaxed and friendly and there are both breakfast meetings and lunches.
It was 4Networking’s 10th Anniversary this week and I was at a breakfast meeting in Port Solent. It was amazing, over 50 people were there, which is much more than normal but it ran in exactly the same way as every other 4N meeting does.
Andrew Goode of filmed the event and has put it up on You Tube. Do take a look by following this link. If you want to find out more about 4N, please follow this link.
There are loads of ways to grow your business but networking is one of the best. You tend to find that those who stay around for a long time are the ones that always do a good job because they will work for more and more people in the group and earn their trust and enhance their reputation.
Highly recommended!