Your website and accessibility. All you need to know in one video!

Do you have a website? If you do and you are in the UK, your website falls under the Equality Act. If it is not accessible for visitors with disabilities, you are at risk from litigation. However, this is avoidable without having to invest in a new website. Please watch this video to understand more about this. The link is in the chat.
A few weeks ago, I was interviewed by Jill Wilson from the Equality Practice about Website Accessibility. I really appreciated the opportunity to explain, in straightforward language, what Website Accessibility means and why it is important. I am extremely grateful to Jill for her support and interest.
In this video I also cover what an Accessibility Statement is and why it is extremely important that every website has one.
Jill is passionate about Inclusivity. She has a Facebook Page where there are videos she has recorded with other people as well. You can find the link to it in the first comment below this post.
The Website Accessibility Workshop I mentioned in the video has now happened, but there is still some availability for the next one on Weds 4th August at 4pm. Please follow the link to book yourself on:
Please follow this link to Jill's Facebook page:, could you add a Like to her page? Thank you, I love what she does.
To come along to my next Website Accessibility Workshop, please follow this link:
If you would like a 15-minute chat about the accessibility of your website, please book yourself by following this link:
Find out more about website accessibility at our brand new website. Please follow this link to go to it:
Clive Loseby, Access by Design. Accessible websites. beautifully designed.
Web Design, Chichester.