A message for web designers everywhere

Are you struggling?
Are you a web designer? Are you struggling with accessibility?
You do not have to struggle any more.
You are a web designer because you love to be creative.
You love to design and create websites that reflect your client's brand and has your own identity on them.
The idea of accessibility is perhaps one that makes you feel uncomfortable?
The technical side of it is perhaps too daunting.
Perhaps, instead, you think it will hamper your creativity.
It does not have to be this way
It does not need to be either of these two things.
I can make it easy for you. I do not want to hinder your creative flow.
I want it to flow freely but. at the same time give you the guidance to avoid some of the basic traps that can cause so many issues further down the line.
Come and talk to me, in confidence, and let me give you the pointers you need.
Follow this link and take a step towards dropping that fear and uncertainty