Which would you rather pay, for the same website accessibility audit?

Legal action has already begun
I have been working with a client recently, undertaking an accessibility audit of their website.
Unfortunately, they are being sued because their website is not accessible to disabled people. They have brought me in to understand what the problems are and to develop a roadmap to resolving the issues.
They will be protected from future claims
My audit details the issues with the website and what could be offered as alternatives whilst it is being made accessible. This information has gone into the accessibility statement I have written for them.
When my accessibility statement goes up on the website, this will protect them against any future legal action, because it openly explains the issues that disabled people might find and offers alternative ways that they can get assistance.
This cost is now 5 times greater
Unfortunately, it will not do anything about the current legal claim. The settlement, including their legal costs, will be around 4 times the cost of the audit. The cost of the audit is on top of that.
The end result is the same: the website will become accessible but the cost is 5 times greater. Which would you rather pay?
Caption: The infographic reads: How much would you rather spend on exactly the same audit? Option A is next to a bag of money. Option B is next to 5 bags of money. Below this is the phrase “You choose”
Follow this link to watch my TED Talk: https://go.ted.com/cliveloseby
Follow this link to find out more about website accessibility audits: https://accessibilityaudit.co.uk/
Follow this link if you would like to discuss having an accessibility audit of your website: https://calendly.com/cliveloseby/accessibility-audit-free-initial-consultation
Follow this link if you wish for a 1-hour consultation on any aspect of website accessibility: https://calendly.com/cliveloseby/client-website-accessibility-consultation
Clive Loseby
Access by Design
Accessible Websites, Beautifully Designed
Always Delivering an Outstanding Website Accessibility Audit
Award-winning Web Design, Chichester