Bullied Back to Life. A book that reaches out.

Why write a book?
Graham Harris is an inventor and a successful businessman. He was also, like many of us, the victim of bullying when he was a child. We are all shaped by our life experiences, whether good or bad. Graham wanted to take what he learned from his experiences and use them to help others through writing a book. He wanted to collaborate with others who also contributed to the book and he wanted all proceeds from sales of the book to go to a fantastic charity, Bullies Out.
Time was short!
The only problem was that he needed to have the book ready for sale by the beginning of anti-bullying week, which began today (11th November). He also needed to have a website that could promote the book a couple of weeks beforehand and it was already the beginning of October!
Graham had been working with the brilliant Sam Pearce of Swatt Books and the equally brilliant Mark Beaumont-Thomas from Lexicon Marketing, who had been helping him through the process of getting his book published. He was introduced to us at the beginning of October, as he needed a website built quickly that would be easy to update and looked stylish. We had a conversation about how Run Your Own Website was going to be the best solution as time was short. Graham confirmed the order immediately.
What did we do?
The main content of the website was unlikely to change and consisted mostly of pages about the project and the contributors, but the blog would be extremely important as there will be a lot of ongoing content with all of the promotional opportunities coming up.
A new magazine design!
The standard Run Your Own Website template is extremely flexible but we felt it would be better to have a more “magazine” look for the website. We took this opportunity to develop a new template that had an automatic rotating carousel and a slideshow containing the 5 most recent blogs. This makes it easy to keep it fresh, just by adding a new blog regularly.
Check it out!
Graham’s books is available to order from Amazon and we feel very proud to be part of this worthy cause!
Are you interested in finding out how a Run Your Own Website can help your business? Give us a call on 01243 776399. Our usual turnaround time is 30 days from your order!
Clive Loseby, Access by Design and Run Your Own Website.
Award winning web design, Chichester.