Top 20 Google tips #20 - Google won't like Cookie Banners!

In his 20th tip, Clive Loseby from Access by Design looks into his crystal ball…. you heard it here first!
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Hi I'm Clive Loseby from Access by Design and I'm here today to talk about 20 things you need to know about your website and Google in 2017 (and 2018!).
We're on to the final one! No 20 and I'm slightly sticking my neck on the line or more like I'm predicting the future!
Cookie banners! We all know what cookie banners are, even Google has got a cookie banner!
It's that banner at the top or at the bottom in small text saying "we use cookies if that is okay please click on this thing"
NO NO! Cookie banners are bad!
Why are cookie banners bad?
Because they break accessibility guidelines because they are not part of the main navigation on a website.
If you're partially sighted you wouldn't even see that cookie message It's a bad thing.
The cookie law was introduced by the EU a few years ago. I'm not going to go into the technicalities of it. It was introduced with a good idea, about trying to weed out the dodgy sites that kind of track you, wherever you go.
That is also a bad thing but a cookie banner breaks accessibility!
Now I reckon there is a time that's going to come, probably in the next couple of years, where Google is going to realise that those cookie banners break accessibility and if websites have got them they are going to be less accessible than websites that don't have them and you're going to see a massive sea change.
By the way, you still need to have on your website, and it's a legal requirement, information about cookies but what we need to do is put them in our T's and C's.
By the way having Terms and Conditions of use on your website has always been a legal requirement. If you haven't got T's and C's on your website you need to get it sorted and make sure you drop you in a paragraph about cookies into there and you're all covered.
Cookie banners - not good!!!
So we're coming to the end of my series of 20 tips.
I hope you found some of them useful, all of them useful, if you come away with just a few and it helps your website rankings, I'd be really happy to hear about how it's helped you.
If you'd like to have a free review of your website please get in touch Thank you very much for watching!
Clive Loseby
Access by Design. Award winning web design, Chichester