Marlene Watson-Tara from Macrovegan

“Thank You – Thank You – Thank You –
This is our eighth website and without a doubt Run Your Own Website is the best website we have ever had. It is the brain-child and simply a genius idea from Clive Loseby, access-by-design. In my opinion it is for sure the way forward for everyone who is looking for a user-friendly site to manage that is as easy as a.b.c. to navigate. It’s also incredible value for money.
We are all experts in our own field, technology is definitely not one of my strong points, so I was thrilled to say the least to be given a WordPress site that I learned to navigate in a matter of days. There is nothing complicated about the set-up and if you do run into a problem, be it sizing an image, placing text in the wrong area, whatever, no matter, the team from access-by-design respond immediately. This quick response and resolution are unique in the world of websites, I can surely testify to that.
From the beautifully designed site from Polly with the clean-cut lines, the uncluttered pages, the ease of going from blog to recipe to health coaching etc., is fast and sleek.
Polly picked up on the energy that I wished potential clients and students to feel when they visit our site and that is without ever meeting me. I would say ingenious.
Sonia who is simply the best teacher, I know this to be true, because I myself have been teaching for 43 years. Did I test her patience? One will never know, she teaches with such incredible ease and nothing is a problem, even when I deleted some content from the website in error, Sonia, quick as a flash logged on and corrected it for me.
As for Clive Loseby, a gentleman and scholar who is passionate about putting all his clients in the driver’s seat, I thank him for creating this fabulous concept. No more having to pay out hundreds and thousands of pounds for a company to update, make changes, add videos, I am now in the driving seat and I love it. You will too, change to run your own website, a gem from the technological world, you will never look back.