If you have a Cookie Banner on your website, you should read this!

Do you know what a Cookie Banner is? You see them on most websites.
They usually appear at the top or the bottom of a website when you first visit it.
It will inform you that the website has a Cookie Policy that you have the option to agree to by clicking the OK button.
Would you like to know what the best thing you can do with your Cookie Banner, if you have one?
Get rid of it.
You don’t need it.
You never did.
Get rid of it now.
Wow, you must be thinking, this chap must be off his head! Of course you must have a Cookie Banner, it is a legal requirement!
Nope. It is not. Actually, it is more serious that that. Nearly all Cookie Banners break Accessibility Guidelines, so by having one, you are making your website more difficult for people with disabilities to use and you could actually be in breach of the Equality Act!
All you actually need is a Cookie Policy which can be accessed from your website, along with your Privacy Policy, Accessibility Statement and other essential documents.
Do your website a favour today and get rid of your Cookie Banner.
Is it gone yet?