Visual of a lightbulb with many coloured lines superimposed on it

Our Clients  

We have seen many changes on the Web since we started, back in 2006. Back then, websites were much simpler, less stylish and with much less functionality. However, as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines were first released in 1999, accessibility fundamentals have not deviated from its core principles.

Website accessibility is now, sadly, ignored or misunderstood by the vast majority of websites in existence. In 2024 95% of websites are still failing basic accessibility checks. Although this figure is decreasing slightly, it is marginal.

We understand the tension between accessibility and design, after all, it is in our name.

Whether it has been through creating accessible websites, helping them improve the accessibility of their existing website or partnering with them in spreading the accessibility message, it is a privilege to work with all of our clients on a journey of discovery.

Here are some of the clients we have been fortunate enough to work with.

Changing the World, One Website at a Time