20 things about your website and Google in 2017!

I am currently doing a round of speaking engagements about your website and Google in 2017, covering Hampshire, East and West Sussex over the coming months, full details of which can be seen by following this link. It is jam-packed with information: 20 things in under 20 minutes and not a second is wasted!
Anyway, I appreciate that not everyone will be able to make it so I’ve have decided to also put the information up as a series of blogs over the coming weeks. I’ll also be vlogging about them as well, so hopefully this will reach out to as many people as possible. Some of these things you will no doubt have heard of before but I am confident that you will not have heard of all of them, so if there is anything here that helps your website’s rankings then I’ve done my job. By the way, my name is Clive Loseby and I am the MD of Access by Design, an award-winning web design Chichester company. Yes, I know that’s not strictly grammatically correct but it you want to find I why I said that, you’ll have to wait until Thing 12!
The first blog looks at Thing 01 - Repsonsive Design. Not all responsive websites are the same....
Clive Loseby
May 2017