Visual of a lightbulb with many coloured lines superimposed on it

Snake oil salesmen in 2024 selling inaccessible overlays!  

on December 16, 2024 at 12:56am |Updated on December 16, 2024 at 12:56am cartoon of a snake oil salesman from the 1890s. He is wearing a hat, flashing a cheesy grin and holding a bottle full of a yellow liquid. The label is a logo of a person in a wheelchair, a recognised symbol representing disability.

It is good to know that snake oil salesmen are still going strong in 2024!

Their product, so they say, will fix your website and make it WCAG Compliant.  

All you need to do is pay them a hefty annual fee and drop a single line of code into your website. You can then sit back, relax, safe in the knowledge that all your problems have gone away .

Except they have not gone away.

Your website is still not compliant.

The snake oil salesman has taken your money but his product has not done what it promised.

It never can.

A drop of snake oil does not fix your problems.

Neither does a bottle or ever 100 bottles of it.

Remember that before you consider buying it.

Who are these people and on what grounds do I say this?

Follow this link to overlayfactsheet.com for the answer!

Changing the World, One Website at a Time.

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