I am speaking at a TedX event on Website Accessibility for Disabled People!

I am so excited to announce that I am going to be speaking at TedX Lukely Brook on Wednesday March 2nd 2022! You may be unsurprised to learn that I am speaking about a subject closest to my heart: Website Accessibility for Disabled People!
I have spent 15 years talking about this; at meetings, events, media interviews and through rather a lot of online articles. I will always continue to do this, of course, however, I do feel extremely honoured to be invited to present in the TedX format.
The overall theme for the event is “If not now, when?” and never has then been more applicable to website accessibility than now.
As with other TedX events, it will be presented to a live audience and simultaneously live-streamed. It will then be available on TedX.com afterwards.
In case you are wondering why “If not now, when?” is particularly appropriate for this subject, well, detailed guidelines on how to make your website accessible have been around since 1999. We are now in 2021 and yet most people have never even heard of the idea of a website being accessible or otherwise for a disabled person!
My lifelong wish is to Change the World – One Website at a Time. Perhaps the TedX platform will enable me to change one or two more.
Please follow this link to the TedX Lukely Brook website: https://www.tedxlukelybrook.com/talks/
Please follow this link to come to my next Website Accessibility Workshop on Weds 1st December at 4pm. https://webaccess.live
Clive Loseby
Access by Design. Beautiful, Accessible, Web Design, Chichester.
Changing the World, One Website at a Time.