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A Weimaraner, a large and sleek grey dog, is in the foreground looking confused. There is a busy office in the background.   

The Importance of Website Accessibility

Ensuring Inclusivity and Compliance In today's digital age, having an online presence is essential for individuals, businesses, and organizations of... read more »

Hand-drawn map lying on grass next to a bow and arrow. The map shows a river, trees, mountains and a dotted line meandering across it, leading to a big red X.

We are going on a scavenger hunt!

Have you ever been on a scavenger hunt? It is an exciting and interactive recreational game in which participants work... read more »

On the left is a screenshot of the Access by Design website, showing their accessibility tool, navigation, and a large interactive graphic displaying some of their portfolio. If a mouse hovers over any one of them, it is raised gently and settles down again as the mouse moves away from it.  On the right is a screenshot of the same website in a plain format, with all of the accessibility options, page links and text over a plain white background

How do you balance aesthetics with accessibility?

Two images, same website There are two images above. The image on the left is of our website. The image... read more »

A lit lightbulb, floating in the air. 4 unlit lightbulbs lie on the floor below it

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, otherwise known as WCAG

What are the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines? This is perhaps the most common starting point when you first come across... read more »

A concrete ramp next to a concrete stair on a University Campus

A staircase and a ramp are both OK!

A perfect world? We would all love it if we lived in a world where every website or web portal... read more »

A web page containing an image of a young girl drinking from a mug. A beautiful dog is peacefully asleep on her lap. An arrow is pointing to a larger version of the same image.

Are having featured images on a web page important?

Asking ChatGPT I asked ChatGPT had to say and it gave me some excellent answers, including why adding an Alt... read more »

Graphic with Devops Logo and Tricentis Logo, Text reads Accessibility in Software Development and Testing. Photos of the participants, from left to right: Simona Domazetoska, Senior Product Marketing Manager – Tricentis,  Paloma Oliveira, Developer Advocate, Software Engineer - Sauce Labs Scott Jehl, Web Product Designer & Developer Clive Loseby, Global Leader in Website Accessibility for Disabled People - Access By Design Alan Shimel, Founder & CEO - Techstrong Group

Website Accessibility Webinar

It is always wonderful meeting like-minded people! It was such a privilege to take part in a webinar about a... read more »

A lit lightbulb, floating in the air. 4 unlit lightbulbs lie on the floor below it

What will a website accessibility audit give me?

Understanding why A website accessibility audit will provide you with valuable insights into the accessibility of your website for users... read more »

A happy cartoon monkey is hanging from a vine. The text reads: Filename: mky4653.jpg

Please do not use Filenames as Alt Text

Hopefully, most of us have heard of Alt Text and how important it is. It is used to provide... read more »

2 screenshots of the AA breakdown mobile website, containing the details of the car breakdown. The right-hand one was taken when the screen was pulled up, showing the extra text “No longer need assistance?” and the following link, in red: “Cancel this help request”.

Overlays do not just affect disabled people!

A great start to the week! Monday morning. My car won’t start and I have a one-hour drive home ahead... read more »